Julia and Cathy had a pleasant time meeting people in Coralville at Home Learning Resources -- Eastern Iowa. We were wowed by the great door prizes our vendors donated. You can sort of see the prizes in the photo to the left. They exceeded our expectations. We gave out seven bundles of door prizes. The average retail value of a door prizes bundle was $30. Just for walking in the door. We love feedback, so if you have a comment or constructive criticism, let us know. The topic can be anything -- door prizes, road signs, traffic flow around the tables, physical space, vendor selection, etc.
Our vendor links at our website will be active for a couple weeks yet. The sidebar here on the blog will be rearranged right now, and de-hyperlinked in a couple weeks.
We are still accepting vendors for Home Learning Resources -- Des Moines, on June 7, 2008. We still have some room. We love to have vendor ideas sent our way: see3sis@yahoo.com
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