Thursday, July 29, 2010

New everything!

No, not really new everything. But it is a new school year (almost), and I'm popping in to write my less-than-occasional blog post.

Three Sisters has a main website at

Our program offerings are at the main site (read  program descriptions here) and our main blog with its more current community info, as well as what we're thinking about future programs, is there (check it out here).

This blog is used every now and then as a newsletter archive. In mid-August 2010, our 2009 newsletters will be here. You will find them with either the search function (that box in the upper left-hand corner) or by looking in the right-hand sidebar "Blog Archive."

For veteran Iowan homeschoolers, Three Sisters has a new phone number. It's local to Des Moines:  


Have a great summer!