Monday, August 6, 2007

Open for business in 2008

Dear Prospective Vendor:

Greetings from Three Sisters! We are currently accepting letters of commitment for two events to be held in 2008. This letter includes a description of the events and instructions on how to reserve your spot for each of them. We are accepting letters of commitment from now until the upcoming event. We expect that contracts will be sent for the appropriate events in January 2008.

Three Sisters plans to aggressively promote its events to its target markets through monthly and weekly media releases to the public and general home school communities. The current market in Iowa includes an estimated home school population of 9,171; the home school population enrolled with Des Moines Independent is 591. (The Des Moines Register, December 12, 2004). Anecdotal data shows that Coralville’s quadrant of the state has strong home school support groups numbering in the thousands. Numbers for nearby communities in Illinois (Quad Cities) and Missouri are unknown.

Event descriptions:

1) Eastern Iowa Home School Conference. Sat., April 26, 2008 from 8 a..m.- 5 p.m. First Christian Church, Coralville, IA. Three Sisters will present a vendor hall in a space adjoining that of EIHSC. Conference attendees must pass through the 1600 sq. ft. vendor hall in order to get to classrooms. People may shop the vendor hall for free and not attend the conference. Handicap accessible, no stairways. Electricity and bag stuffers available. Ample free parking. 8’ tables and 5’ rounds. This is a first time event. Keynote speaker will be Iowa home school pioneer Ed Dickerson. All other presenters will be Iowans.

2) Home Learning Resources. Sat., June 14, 2008. 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Northwest Community Center, Des Moines, IA. Three Sisters will present a vendor hall very close to a large state-wide home school convention. There will be no other home school events or speakers in this building. No admission will be charged. Air conditioned, handicap accessible, no stairways, ample natural lighting, and free and abundant parking. Modern building constructed in 2003. Electricity available. Bag stuffers available. We will offer door prizes to increase vendor promotion. Past events have had attendances around 100 people. 6’ and 8’ tables in the hall; 5’ rounds in foyer. This will be Three Sisters’ third Home Learning Resources event in the Des Moines area.

To reserve your space, please send an email, indicating your interest by stating the event(s) you would like to attend. Please reply to this message if you are interested in having an item stuffed in the bags of either event.

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