Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stuff Sale deadline coming soon

Hey, you hoarders out there (yes, that is me, too)! The Stuff Sale deadline is March 31, 2008. To get a table (or two, if you have hoarded stuff for years), mail the application, signed contract, and check to Three Sisters. Send an email if you lost your forms and we'll send you new ones. And I understand hoarding. "You ought to buy that book -- you never know what will click with your kid...."

If we still have room after March 31, we'll continue to accept your applications because we have a bonus room off the main hall. But that is not a reason to procrastinate! LOL

We're excited about using the Lions Hall. It's just as accessible as the Northwest Community Center (the site of our Home Learning Resources in June) -- strollers, carts, and wheelchairs are welcome! And remember to bring boxes or bags for all the goodies you buy --

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